As the watchers of Lorena Gonzalez-Fletcher and her husband, Nathan Fletcher, have always suspected, they lie like rugs and then strong-arm the people around them to enable their deceit. Such is the case with the San Diego Metropolitan Transit System (MTS), and it may well cost them.
When Nathan Fletcher was a District 4 San Diego Supervisor, he also was board chair for MTS. Fletcher has reneged on his marriage vows in the past, and in March of this year, it appeared he was doing it again. Former MTS staffer Grecia Figueroa filed a sexual harassment suit against Fletcher and the MTS, alleging sexual harassment, sexual assault, and whistleblower retaliation—she was terminated, then intimidated by Lorena Gonzalez-Fletcher to drop the lawsuit. A former assemblyman, Nathan Fletcher had grand plans of returning back to Sacramento as a state senator. But just before the allegations…