Well, we can’t say they didn’t warn us. The LGBTQ+ mafia really are coming for our kids. And Hollywood is lending a hand at every turn. The latest example being Netflix’s queer rom-com Glamorous, (it should have been named “Groomerous”) which stars real-life trans actor “Miss Benny,” who identified with his biological sex when he was hired but transitioned to female by the time filming began.
Miss Benny wrote a letter to Time magazine about his experience and making sure his personal story of transitioning was included in the show. Apparently “acting” now means the story must conform to the actor’s real life instead of the actor conforming to the role. He explains:
But then I am reminded that this fear (of coming out as trans) is exactly why I wanted to include my transition in the show: Because I know that when I was a terrified queer kid in Texas, it was the queer joy I found in droplets online that guided me to my happiness. And if someone like me is out there feeling the weight of being othered, I want them to have a place they can see someone like us thrive and be celebrated.
Refinery29 went on to report:
And now that she is experiencing her life as a trans woman, she hopes to be the role model she needed when she was just a child growing up in Texas, trying to come to terms with her queerness in an environment where that wasn’t accepted.
Let’s dive into exactly what kind of role model “Miss Benny” is in his role as a feminine, “gender non-conforming” influencer named Marco in Glamorous. Marco goes from working at a makeup counter at the mall to being hired by a prestigious makeup company when the owner, Madolyn (Kim Cattrall) gets a makeover from him.
As Marco explains in episode 1, “RSVP Now,” makeup is the only thing he’s good at, even though later in the episode he declares, “I’m a twink on PReP. I can do anything.” And when he’s late for work, he pushes past people in the lobby as he announces haughtily, “Move, I’m gay!” I thought we were supposed to believe queer people are victims.
Marco: Maybe you’ve seen my content. It’s a little random. Ooh, a little there. You ain’t never seen this before. Oh! Or maybe you’ve seen my mom make an appearance. She loves helping out with my content. Tell us about your beauty routine.
Julia: What beauty routine?
Marco: Come on. My viewers wanna know.
Julia: What viewers?
Marco: Rude. Makeup is my life. And not just because it’s the only thing I’m good at. But because it gives me confidence and it makes you feel like you’re somebody. And when you have your beat done right, you know you matter. So, if you wanna know more, like this video, smash that subscribe button, and turn on notifications. Get into this gig, honey, because we are going places. We are going to snatch that crown together. And before you go, remember one thing. You’re beautiful. Say it back.
As for being a role model for little kids in this show, it’s scenes like this one in episode 4, “Cash Only,” where Marco and his gay coworker and love interest Ben (Michael Hsu Rosen) take the drug Molly and go dancing at a gay club, that prove he’s the exact opposite of what a child’s role model should be like:
Both: I feel it!
(Not Myself Tonight by Christina Aguilera plays)
If there was any doubt they’re targeting children, consider this scene in episode 9, “Come Thru,” with a little boy who loves wearing his mom’s makeup and waits in line with her to try on the brand’s new “Pride” collection:
Alyssasays: We’re almost sold out. We’re gonna shut this thing down soon.
Marco: These people have been waiting for hours.
Alyssasays: Alyssa says do a sweep, see if there’s someone you wanna pull up.
Marco: Hi, I’m Marco.
Woman: Hi.
Marco: And what’s your name?
Woman: Bobby. He’s a little shy, but he didn’t want to miss this. This is the first brand he ever wore ’cause it’s what I wear.
Marco: Mine too. Hey, Bobby, do you wanna meet Madolyn? Right now?
Madolyn: Hi. What’s your name?
Bobby: Bobby.
Madolyn: Bobby, I’m Madolyn. Oh, you like makeup? You do. Pick a favorite. Oh, that’s beautiful. Should we try it on?
Then it was back to more debauchery later in episode 10, “Tip the Girls,” but this time I actually had to pause and google what was said to understand the queerspeak:
DJ: Well, damn. I can see why Marco went dumb for that man. Getting climbed on by that every night like you’re the Matterhorn.
Ben: Marco’s a top.
DJ: A top what, model?
Ben: A top, you know. Kind of dom too. I tried to test the vers waters with Marco when we did it. But he didn’t even know how to prep.
DJ: I let a twink top into my Christian home? You’re owed an apology.
Ben: Hey. Do you take requests?
DJ: No. But I’m about to.
(“Cry For You” by September plays)
There was, of course, other leftist preaching in the series. There were at least three to four racist, anti-white jabs, for example. In episode 4, when the son of the makeup company’s founder asks where his applause is for helping to implement Marco’s pride campaign, his black, bi-sexual, female coworker tells him, “You’re a rich, white man born in America. Your existence is applause.”
In episode 9, when discussing who uses Glamorous by Madolyn, a team member pitches, “White women. Obnoxious ones too. They love Glamorous by Madolyn more than they love naming their kids after jazz musicians.”
Anti-American hate was on display in episode 8, “Are You on the List?” when Ben rejects an invite to a Fourth of July party because, “Fourth of July is basically America’s birthday. And, well, after colonization, slavery, genocide, Jim Crow, and endless global militarism, I personally consider this party a skip.”
At the end of episode 10, Marco goes to a trans clinic in what’s supposed to be a heartfelt montage with music swelling to celebrate his gender dysphoria being entertained instead of properly treated through psychiatric means. The Callen-Lorde clinic actually exists in real life, so the show gave them a huge promotion:
Marco: And I’m finally ready to know myself.
Venetia: Atta girl.
Julia: You are the best daughter a mother could have.
Marco: The world keeps changing. Life keeps changing. And, yeah, it’s scary when out of nowhere, everything changes.
Chad: Dad.
Marco: ‘Cause it feels like you lost something. But that just means that you learned something. I wanna say more, but for now I’ll just say it back. We’re beautiful.
Keep a close eye on your kids, dear readers. This is what leftist Hollywood and the Alphabet mafia want for your children. And while gender dysphoria does exist, we owe it to those who suffer from it to do our best to help them accept themselves for who they are rather than pretending they’re someone they’re not.
Well, we can’t say they didn’t warn us. The LGBTQ+ mafia really are coming for our kids. And Hollywood is lending a hand at every turn. The latest example being Netflix’s queer rom-com Glamorous, (it should have been named “Groomerous”) which stars real-life trans actor “Miss Benny,” who identified with his biological sex when he was hired but transitioned to female by the time filming began.
Miss Benny wrote a letter to Time magazine about his experience and making sure his personal story of transitioning was included in the show. Apparently “acting” now means the story must conform to the actor’s real life instead of the actor conforming to the role. He explains:
But then I am reminded that this fear (of coming out as trans) is exactly why I wanted to include my transition in the show: Because I know that when I was a terrified queer kid in Texas, it was the queer joy I found in droplets online that guided me to my happiness. And if someone like me is out there feeling the weight of being othered, I want them to have a place they can see someone like us thrive and be celebrated.
Refinery29 went on to report:
And now that she is experiencing her life as a trans woman, she hopes to be the role model she needed when she was just a child growing up in Texas, trying to come to terms with her queerness in an environment where that wasn’t accepted.
Let’s dive into exactly what kind of role model “Miss Benny” is in his role as a feminine, “gender non-conforming” influencer named Marco in Glamorous. Marco goes from working at a makeup counter at the mall to being hired by a prestigious makeup company when the owner, Madolyn (Kim Cattrall) gets a makeover from him.
As Marco explains in episode 1, “RSVP Now,” makeup is the only thing he’s good at, even though later in the episode he declares, “I’m a twink on PReP. I can do anything.” And when he’s late for work, he pushes past people in the lobby as he announces haughtily, “Move, I’m gay!” I thought we were supposed to believe queer people are victims.
Marco: Maybe you’ve seen my content. It’s a little random. Ooh, a little there. You ain’t never seen this before. Oh! Or maybe you’ve seen my mom make an appearance. She loves helping out with my content. Tell us about your beauty routine.
Julia: What beauty routine?
Marco: Come on. My viewers wanna know.
Julia: What viewers?
Marco: Rude. Makeup is my life. And not just because it’s the only thing I’m good at. But because it gives me confidence and it makes you feel like you’re somebody. And when you have your beat done right, you know you matter. So, if you wanna know more, like this video, smash that subscribe button, and turn on notifications. Get into this gig, honey, because we are going places. We are going to snatch that crown together. And before you go, remember one thing. You’re beautiful. Say it back.
As for being a role model for little kids in this show, it’s scenes like this one in episode 4, “Cash Only,” where Marco and his gay coworker and love interest Ben (Michael Hsu Rosen) take the drug Molly and go dancing at a gay club, that prove he’s the exact opposite of what a child’s role model should be like:
Both: I feel it!
(Not Myself Tonight by Christina Aguilera plays)
If there was any doubt they’re targeting children, consider this scene in episode 9, “Come Thru,” with a little boy who loves wearing his mom’s makeup and waits in line with her to try on the brand’s new “Pride” collection:
Alyssasays: We’re almost sold out. We’re gonna shut this thing down soon.
Marco: These people have been waiting for hours.
Alyssasays: Alyssa says do a sweep, see if there’s someone you wanna pull up.
Marco: Hi, I’m Marco.
Woman: Hi.
Marco: And what’s your name?
Woman: Bobby. He’s a little shy, but he didn’t want to miss this. This is the first brand he ever wore ’cause it’s what I wear.
Marco: Mine too. Hey, Bobby, do you wanna meet Madolyn? Right now?
Madolyn: Hi. What’s your name?
Bobby: Bobby.
Madolyn: Bobby, I’m Madolyn. Oh, you like makeup? You do. Pick a favorite. Oh, that’s beautiful. Should we try it on?
Then it was back to more debauchery later in episode 10, “Tip the Girls,” but this time I actually had to pause and google what was said to understand the queerspeak:
DJ: Well, damn. I can see why Marco went dumb for that man. Getting climbed on by that every night like you’re the Matterhorn.
Ben: Marco’s a top.
DJ: A top what, model?
Ben: A top, you know. Kind of dom too. I tried to test the vers waters with Marco when we did it. But he didn’t even know how to prep.
DJ: I let a twink top into my Christian home? You’re owed an apology.
Ben: Hey. Do you take requests?
DJ: No. But I’m about to.
(“Cry For You” by September plays)
There was, of course, other leftist preaching in the series. There were at least three to four racist, anti-white jabs, for example. In episode 4, when the son of the makeup company’s founder asks where his applause is for helping to implement Marco’s pride campaign, his black, bi-sexual, female coworker tells him, “You’re a rich, white man born in America. Your existence is applause.”
In episode 9, when discussing who uses Glamorous by Madolyn, a team member pitches, “White women. Obnoxious ones too. They love Glamorous by Madolyn more than they love naming their kids after jazz musicians.”
Anti-American hate was on display in episode 8, “Are You on the List?” when Ben rejects an invite to a Fourth of July party because, “Fourth of July is basically America’s birthday. And, well, after colonization, slavery, genocide, Jim Crow, and endless global militarism, I personally consider this party a skip.”
At the end of episode 10, Marco goes to a trans clinic in what’s supposed to be a heartfelt montage with music swelling to celebrate his gender dysphoria being entertained instead of properly treated through psychiatric means. The Callen-Lorde clinic actually exists in real life, so the show gave them a huge promotion:
Marco: And I’m finally ready to know myself.
Venetia: Atta girl.
Julia: You are the best daughter a mother could have.
Marco: The world keeps changing. Life keeps changing. And, yeah, it’s scary when out of nowhere, everything changes.
Chad: Dad.
Marco: ‘Cause it feels like you lost something. But that just means that you learned something. I wanna say more, but for now I’ll just say it back. We’re beautiful.
Keep a close eye on your kids, dear readers. This is what leftist Hollywood and the Alphabet mafia want for your children. And while gender dysphoria does exist, we owe it to those who suffer from it to do our best to help them accept themselves for who they are rather than pretending they’re someone they’re not.