Hot Air

Guess How Many People *Really* Trust the Media and Government? – HotAir

Old and busted: “You don’t hate the media enough!” New hotness: You don’t admit to hating the media enough! Or, for that matter, the government, and that’s not all. 

Axios reported the results of a new survey from Populace, a think tank in Massachusetts, that took a fresh look at trust in national institutions, including the media and the government. We have plenty of longitudinal data on these questions, most notably from Gallup, which has results stretching back decades on institutional trust. Two months ago, Gallup reported on the sorry state of the erosion of trust:

Aside from the police, small business (68%) and the military (61%) are the only other institutions in the June 3-23 poll that garner majority-level confidence from Americans. Small business and the military are commonly seen at the top of the confidence list, with one of the two leading the list each year since 1989…

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