Hot Air

Gun Violence ‘Expert’ Claims Trump Attack Just Another ‘Mass Shooting’ – HotAir

There is apparently no limit to the depths that the left will sink to in their efforts to prevent Donald Trump from being viewed as a sympathetic (if not heroic) figure following his attempted assassination last Saturday. The initial efforts to claim that the attempted killing was entirely “fake” have mostly died down by this point. Yet other efforts to at least downplay the event remain underway. Yesterday, while browsing the coverage online, I came across an interview that was conducted on NewsNation with American University history professor Allan Lichtman. The host first recounted the history of American presidents who have been assassinated or had attempts made on their lives. She then introduced Lichtman and asked him to compare the attempt on Trump’s life to those previous attacks. He immediately declared that this shooting was “fundamentally different” than all of the others…

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