Hot Air

Happy Intl Women’s Day! – HotAir

We’ve made such gains, haven’t we?

Not her. The other guy.


We’ve come so far in the past decades that we don’t even need to be women at all…to be “women.” Isn’t that the wicked, coolest thing? Mind you it’s not a localized movement confined to isolated, woke urban areas in G-7 countries.

Perish the thought. 

World bodies recognize everyone can be a princess for a day – or the rest of their lives. They have only to say, “I am a woman, hear me roar“and the womanly accolades and awards will swiftly follow.

‘Why can’t a woman be more like a man?’, sang Henry Higgins in the 1964 film, My Fair Lady. If there were to be a remake in 2024, the film might be called My Fair Ladyboy. It would update the story of a professor of phonetics, who turns a cockney girl into the toast of high society, into the tale of a professor of hormonology, who turns a mockney boy into the toast of…

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