News Busters

Happy PRIDE! Fanny Slapping, Dildo Passing & Everything In-Between | Woke of the Weak

Welcome to our newest MRCTV show, Woke of the Weak! On this show I’ll update you about the most woke, progressive, insane, and crazy clips and stories that the left thinks are tolerable and, well, point out why exactly they’re nuts. 

June is always rather hellish in our nation. The gays have marked it as “Pride Month” and use it to rainbow-wash the nation, spread their queer agenda (and legs) and groom kids by pretending their actions are showing “love.” Within the first week of so-called “Pride Month” the left showed just how far they’re taking things this year. 

At a “family-friendly” event in Arizona, one rapper talked about anal sex and about how to turn straight men gay. He also talked about riding another man “like a bench.” Children as young as infants were in attendance – but for some reason, Child Protective Services was not. Weird. 

At another “family-friendly event,” this time across the nation in Boston, one booth passed out crackers, chips and dildos. Yup, you read that right. The organizers had a few different flavors of chips and dildos to pick from. How thoughtful. 

At another “Pride” event, two men were spotted riding in the tail of a truck. One of the men was wearing a thong while a second man  proceeded to choke him with a whip and spank his fanny. Talk about instant nausea!

We also saw how schools decided to tackle “Pride Month.” At one school, teachers wore rainbow gear and chanted, “Happy Pride!” as elementary-aged students entered the building. The school also created a rainbow archway for students to walk through in honor of all the gay nonsense. 

While kids are in the discussion, one drag queen paraded down a rainbow-painted street and sang and danced with young children. 

This is gonna be one hell of a month. 


That’s what’s up this week in the woke world of the WEAK left! 

Welcome to our newest MRCTV show, Woke of the Weak! On this show I’ll update you about the most woke, progressive, insane, and crazy clips and stories that the left thinks are tolerable and, well, point out why exactly they’re nuts. 

June is always rather hellish in our nation. The gays have marked it as “Pride Month” and use it to rainbow-wash the nation, spread their queer agenda (and legs) and groom kids by pretending their actions are showing “love.” Within the first week of so-called “Pride Month” the left showed just how far they’re taking things this year. 

At a “family-friendly” event in Arizona, one rapper talked about anal sex and about how to turn straight men gay. He also talked about riding another man “like a bench.” Children as young as infants were in attendance – but for some reason, Child Protective Services was not. Weird. 

At another “family-friendly event,” this time across the nation in Boston, one booth passed out crackers, chips and dildos. Yup, you read that right. The organizers had a few different flavors of chips and dildos to pick from. How thoughtful. 

At another “Pride” event, two men were spotted riding in the tail of a truck. One of the men was wearing a thong while a second man  proceeded to choke him with a whip and spank his fanny. Talk about instant nausea!

We also saw how schools decided to tackle “Pride Month.” At one school, teachers wore rainbow gear and chanted, “Happy Pride!” as elementary-aged students entered the building. The school also created a rainbow archway for students to walk through in honor of all the gay nonsense. 

While kids are in the discussion, one drag queen paraded down a rainbow-painted street and sang and danced with young children. 

This is gonna be one hell of a month. 


That’s what’s up this week in the woke world of the WEAK left!  

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