Hot Air

Harris Backs Ending Filibuster to Codify Roe, Manchin and Sinema React – HotAir

Anyone who has been paying even a little bit of attention to this election knows that there were really only a few issues that seemed to matter this time around. Chief among these was the economy. After that, Republicans were clearly looking to campaign on immigration and Democrats on abortion. 

So here we are in the 11th hour of this election and the Harris camp/CNN just dropped a trial balloon yesterday about her possibly heading to the border this Friday. That suggests that the Republican push on immigration is working and Harris is looking to blunt that objection by showing up at the border and doing a photo op.

Today, Harris herself dropped another hint about her future plans in a radio interview, this one about abortion.

Vice President and Democratic nominee for president Kamala Harris told WPR’s “Wisconsin Today” on Monday that she supports ending the filibuster to…

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