Hot Air

Harris Praises Oil Companies She Pledged to Prosecute – HotAir

Of all of the issues where Kamala Harris has flipped and flopped around between her stated policies as a prosecutor, a Senator, a Vice President, and now a candidate for the presidency, the topic of drilling for energy, including fracking, surely must have left the fossil fuel companies feeling like a fish that was prematurely dragged out of its lake too soon repeatedly. That subject came up again this week when CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski (of all people) conducted a review of Harris’ record, showing how she has totally reversed course (or “corrected” course) in an effort to convince swing state voters that she was not, in fact coming for all of their jobs, despite having promised on many occasions to do so. How well that sells with those voters remains to be seen, but it paints an ugly picture when distilled down in this fashion.

When Kamala Harris ran for president in 2019, she…

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