Red state

Harris Publicly Supports Biden, Privately She’s Measuring the Drapes – RedState

Kamala Harris dropped out of the race for the presidency before her campaign had reached her home state of California. She had precisely zero point zero delegates with virtually no campaign money when she augered in. Had she stayed in the race, she would have garnered the same support. Zero. Harris was as popular as a canker sore.  

But Harris had two trump cards. She was black and a woman — so she still had an avenue to the White House. Joe Biden had promised to pick a running mate not based on talent or political savvy but on color and gender. Harris knew she was on the shortlist for VP.  The position that one VP described as “not worth a warm bucket of spit”, was still one missed heartbeat from the presidency. Harris was picked for her only winning characteristics. And, it seemed, she was a perfect fit to be the reining warm bucket of spit.  

Harris has exceeded…

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