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Harris Talks a Lot, But Says Little of Substance

A few months into Kamala Harris2024 presidential run, her handlers faced a dilemma. Should they continue cocooning the candidate or unleash her on the public? Both options came with serious political risks.

Sure, Democrats could keep pretending Harris was a generational talent, but her refusal to sit down for an interview, much less give a press conference, was eroding this fantasy.

On the other hand, as her handlers surely understood, the more people hear from Harris, the more concerned they tend to get.

Indeed, Harris is a thermonuclear platitude dispenser. Few people in American history have expended so many words to say so little.

Her turns of phrase are often so cartoonishly ludicrous they should be used in college textbooks to explain what a “tautology” is to students.

After watching Fox News’ Bret Baier interview Harris, it is clearer than ever…

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