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Harris’ View on Diverse Energy Sources: Political Opportunism?

We don’t want to be dependent on foreign oil, and we should invest in diverse forms of energy. That’s what we heard from sitting Vice President Kamala Harris in the most recent debate spectacle.

Her exact words: “My position is that we have got to invest in diverse sources of energy so we reduce our reliance on foreign oil.”

Now let’s be fair. If she wants to persuade people to spend more money on “diverse” energy sources, then this is a clever angle. If you’re one of those stubborn contrarians opposed to scaring people about the climate, then perhaps you’ll join up in the spirit of American independence.

Renewables are not just about being green—they’re about freedom from the stranglehold of foreign powers. And with people wising up to the not-so-green realities of wind and solar, we would be prudent to find an alternate virtue to which we…

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