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Harvard Professor Claims UFOs Could Travel to Earth Via ‘Alternate Dimensions’ – RedState

Is there something in the water at Harvard these days?

In the latest head-scratcher from that once-prestigious Ivy League school, astrophysicist and cosmologist Avi Loeb is speculating about the possibility that UFOs could be arriving at Earth by traveling through “alternate dimensions.”

Yes, really.

Avi Loeb, known for his efforts to prove we are not alone, has claimed that extraterrestrial visitors are travelling through hidden dimensions created by researchers at the CERN particle accelerator are seeking.

The accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), blasts particles are nearly the speed of light to recreate conditions of the Big Bang, with hopes of uncovering  hidden dimensions that will reveal how our universe formed.

Speaking in a new documentary, Loeb said that alien civilizations may have been developing dimension-hopping technology for billions of years.

The physicist also…

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