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He Once Thought Israel Did 9/11. Now He Says Jews Would Have ‘No Bigger Ally’ If He’s Elected To Congress.

As a politically active teenager in Arizona, Abraham Hamadeh had strong-held convictions when it came to Israel. The son of Syrian immigrants was a frequent poster on blogs devoted to the libertarian political maverick Ron Paul, and his posts include outlandish, yet clearly serious, claims against the Jewish state his relatives died fighting.

An archive of posts viewed by The Daily Wire reveal that a young Hamadeh in 2007 stated that “Israeli Mossad” was responsible for taking down New York City’s Twin Towers, and that a “missile hit the Pentagon.” He also made comments criticizing Israel for responding with force to terrorist attacks, and justified their assaults on Israeli citizens — making arguments eerily similar to those made by today’s radical anti-Israel Left.

In fact, in 2009 he criticized Israel’s last invasion of Gaza, stating: “Israel may have killed 200…

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