Hot Air

Heat waves now being blamed on… clean air?

Even with all of the other significant and disturbing news cropping up on a daily basis, the legacy media continues to obsess over the fact that it sometimes gets hot in July and August in the northern hemisphere. Shocking… I know. But our intellectual betters aren’t satisfied with simply noting that it’s hot out. They want to ensure that we know why it’s hot out. The Associated Press dives into the question this week and consults some of their usual stable of experts to find answers. At the top of the list, of course, is climate change. Because they’re always going to blame it on climate change, at least until they come up with a way to blame it on racism. (Oh, wait… they already did.) But the AP’s experts claim that this summer’s heat waves are somehow different. Even climate change and racism combined can’t fully account for the temperature changes they are recording, so there must be something else at play.Read More 

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