Hot Air

Heated Rhetoric Up as Port Strike Deadline Counts Down – HotAir

Getting testy out there – that’s all you can say about that.

A couple of days ago, I caught you all up on the looming East and Gulf Coasts longshoremen’s strike, set to happen close-of-business 30 September.

There are a lot of different irons in this fire, from the blustering cantankerousness of Harold Daggett, the International Longshoremen Association’s (ILA) president and the United States Maritime Alliance (USMX), who are the port operators running the docks – those are the two negotiating parties – and all the auxiliary characters, from shippers to farmers to truckers to manufacturer and retailers plus the US Chamber of Commerce, to boot.

All the ancillary interested parties have been crying foul for weeks and begging the Biden-HARRIS administration to step in to avert a possible economic disaster, to no avail.

Biden ain’t budgin’ but does send his thoughts and prayers.


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