Hot Air

Here’s Why Biden Didn’t Restore Trump’s Border Policies – HotAir

Normally we have to wait for an election to be over before any of the dirty laundry begins to leak out, but as we’ve already learned, the 2024 presidential race is turning out to be unlike most other elections in many ways. One of the pressing questions that arose through 2023 and 2024 has been a topic of debate inside DC political circles. Even as the country was being overrun by millions and then tens of millions of illegal migrants, steadily driving down the popularity of the Biden administration, Biden never looked seriously at reversing that policy. But why? He could have reversed it with one swipe of the same executive pen he used to reverse Trump’s policies, This week, Speaker Mike Johnson revealed what he claims was the real reason and I’ll confess I never saw this one coming. (NY Post)

President Biden declined to restore the most effective Donald Trump-era border policy

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