In this episode of Hillary Being Hillary…
I was going to name the episode More Bilge From the Self-Absorbed Mrs. Clinton, Who Refuses to Ride Off Into the Sunset Where She Belongs, but I decided it was too long.
Anyway, Hillary Clinton — a two-time-losing Democrat presidential candidate (2008 and 2016) — appears to still believe that her various opinions carry great weight. Truth is, they never did— not enough to further her career, anyway.
Nevertheless, while attending a Saturday luncheon at the Munich Security Conference, an annual gathering of world leaders in Germany, Hillary trotted out her latest phantasmagoric prediction: If Donald Trump — The Devil’s Spawn, in Mrs. Clinton’s stage 4 TDS-riddled head — wins the presidential election in November, he will try his damnedest to jerk the United States out of NATO.
He will do everything he can to become an absolute…