Hot Air

Hmm. Biden’s Physician Met with Parkinson’s Specialist in the White House… In January – HotAir

During the Watergate investigation, Senator Howard Baker famously asked, “What did the president know, and when did he know it?” That was in 1973. 

The question can be revised a bit in 2024. What did those around the president know, and when did they know it?” President Biden’s health is the center of discussion now. How long have we been without a fully functioning president?

The presidential candidate debate exposed the cover-up. It exposed the fact that Biden is not the one running his administration. His small inner circle is doing it, which includes his wife, his son (a convicted felon), and assorted White House officials. None of them were elected. 

Stories are being published now that should have been published months, perhaps years ago. A new one surfaced this weekend that a physician who specializes in Parkinson’s disease visited the White House back in January, along with…

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