Hot Air

Hold My Cold, Dark Cervesa – HotAir

What the heck IS it with Progressive/Socialists, especially European ones? They’re not content with their own papercuts, they want everyone to have one, and a shared lemon to squeeze on them.

Life is nothing to a socialist, if not self inflicted pain.

Take Germany for exampleafter exampleafter example.

From Angela Merkel through the Green Party and progressives who have been in charge of Germany for the past decades – especially the past few years? The consequences of of their rush to embrace a future dictated by Climate Cultists over every consideration of energy security for their own people has led to a cycle of inflationary pressures and the deindustrialization of the mighty German production machine.

At the very heart of the nail in their cult coffin was that fatally flawed decision to pull the plug permanently on the remaining sources of safe, reliable electrical…

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