News Busters

Hollywood Reporter’s Joel Stein Admits ‘Am I Racist?’ Ignored By Media Libs

The homily “Many a truth is said in jest” may apply to the opening paragraph of Joel Stein’s quasi-review of the comedic anti-DEI documentary Am I Racist? by anti-woke activist and satirist Matt Walsh, in The Hollywood Reporter.

Columnist Stein’s usual tongue-in-cheek style (he probably wasn’t truly afraid of the “Latinx ticket seller”) nevertheless sheds light on the real-world reason Am I Racist? has been ignored by the entertainment press: Fear of the denizens of that left-wing universe, where daring to even acknowledge a documentary by a conservative activist risks the wrath of one’s unanimously liberal colleagues, who may sneer in disgust, cut ties, even try to derail your career.

For whatever reason, there are films that we in the entertainment media fail to notice. In the case of the documentary Am I Racist?, that whatever reason is…

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