Red state

House Passes Bill Limiting Ability of Gov’t to Spy on Journalists or Compel Disclosure of Sources – RedState

While good investigative journalists protect their sources and any information that could lead to the discovery of a source’s identity, there’s no federal law protecting journalists who refuse to reveal their sources and no law preventing courts from ordering a journalist to reveal their sources. Some journalists have even had their communications with sources and potential interviewees secretly monitored by government agencies, and there’s no accountability for that.

Obviously, without some type of protections, the press cannot do its job of informing the public and holding the powerful to account. While 48 states and the District of Columbia have some kind of laws protecting a journalist’s privilege, right now there’s no national standard shielding the press from court orders or subpoenas, or even from government surveillance. A bill sponsored by freshman Rep. Kevin Kiley (R-CA)…

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