Hot Air

House Republicans Prepared a Resolution Holding Hunter Biden in Contempt of Congress – HotAir

House Republicans have decided that Hunter Biden should be held in contempt of Congress.

A resolution has been prepared that holds Hunter in contempt of Congress because he defied a congressional subpoena. That subpoena was part of the House impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden. The House included a report from the House Oversight and Judiciary Committees with the resolution. Republicans are ready to get this done. If he is held in contempt of Congress by the committees and then a full House vote on the floor, the case will be referred to DOJ. If he is found guilty, he could be sentenced to 12 months in jail and ordered to pay a fine of up to $100,000.

Hunter Biden pulled a political stunt instead of honoring the subpoena he was issued by the committees. He was supposed to participate in a deposition behind closed doors but he said he would only testify in a public setting. The…

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