Hot Air

How China’s One Child Policy Failed Spectacularly – HotAir

In 1980, the Chinese government instituted what became known as the “one child” policy, forbidding families from having two or more children without special permission from the government. The government in Beijing feared what they described as an impending “demographic disaster” if the nation’s population continued to grow at the current rate seen during that time. It was a brutal approach to what was being seen as an intractable problem. The rules were enforced vigorously, with many women being forced to have abortions or be sterilized. At first, the policy appeared to be having the intended effect and the country’s population growth slowed down measurably. But human nature has a way of thwarting the will of the most authoritarian government and by the time the country finally repealed the policy 36 years later, the damage had been done. Now they are facing an entirely different…

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