Well, the suspense is killing me.
The back and forth about Biden staying or going is worse than reading the dueling checkout line rag reports about whether Ben Affleck and J-Lo have broken up or made nice again (latest word, he secretly moved all the furniture out when she was away working).
The changes in story trajectory over only the course of a few hours is dizzying, as if dueling camps were playing a game of Point – Counterpoint.
Twenty-four hours ago, the big news was that even scummy chief Democratic Wormtongue Adam Schiff had finally called for POTATUS to turn in the White House keys.
Adam Schiff has now publicly called for Joe Biden to resign
The wheels are falling off
pic.twitter.com/C3vsviSpqw— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) July 17, 2024
As Ed asked in his post, why? What was the sudden impetus for the volte-face?
…File this under Things You Could Have Said Last November. It’s not…