Red state

How Much of Big Pharma’s $10 Million in Lobbying Was to Kill This Drug Discount Program? – RedState

The major pharmaceutical companies in the U.S. are still spending millions of dollars to try and beat a law that forces them to offer their drugs at lower, more affordable prices to rural areas that don’t have access to those very necessary drugs. They have been fighting rules and regulations for years, and they are spending a lot of money now to do so.

Over at Axios, they’ve been analyzing how much different, big influence operations in Washington D.C. spent on lobbying last quarter, and it turns out that in the healthcare sector, just one Big Pharma trade group spent almost $10 million. Incredibly, that was $2.3 million more than the next biggest-spending trade group, and a full $1.6 million more than the same Pharma group– PhRMA, in fact– spent in the first quarter of 2023.

Take a look at this graphic from Axios:

There are a couple of reasons you should care about this.


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