Red state

How One Crafty Reporter Is Exposing ‘Empty Shell’ Kamala Harris One Day at a Time – RedState

As RedState reported, some of the Democrat echo chambers in the MSM seem to be belatedly catching on to Kamala Harris’ Biden-esque media avoidance strategy, where the only “interviews” she gives are with journalists who won’t ask tough questions and who won’t push back when she tells a whopper. 

There are several reasons for this happening, in my view. First and foremost, as they did with Joe Biden, some in the media are only content to be played like fiddles for so long before they start remembering what their actual jobs are. 

Part of it, too, is likely the fact that the Democrat presidential nominee’s purported “momentum” has stalled in key battleground states, and perhaps they think her getting out there and giving the public more air time will do her campaign good.

READ MORE–>> Unraveling: The Dam Breaks As the NY Times Notices Some Things About Kamala Harris’ MSNBC…

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