Hot Air

How the NeverTrump Grift Works – HotAir

First things first: not all NeverTrumpers are grifters, and not all grifters are NeverTrumpers. Some are even AlwaysTrumpers. 

Grifting in politics is about as surprising as gambling in Casablanca. We are always “shocked!, shocked!” to see it. 

What makes the NeverTrump grift so…icky, I guess…is that the people engaged in it claim to be doing so out of a self-sacrificing commitment to principle and honesty. They are the sleazy TV evangelists of the political world, and there is something really creepy about people who speak with such self-righteous moral clarity being nothing more than the scum of the earth. 

Longwell has the sort of smugness that makes your skin crawl. Claiming to be a Republican, she is…

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