No, my headline isn’t from the satire site The Babylon Bee, and no, it’s definitely not comedy.
So a university president called former President Donald Trump, of all things, a “threat to higher education” in a Wednesday op-ed. (See: “pot calls kettle black.”) Even more absurd, Wesleyan University President Michael Roth criticized “institutional neutrality” with respect to political views.
President Roth, you’re joking, right?
The no-longer-hallowed halls of academia abandoned institutional neutrality decades ago. Today’s university campuses are infested with radical leftist professors, including full-blown Marxists, preaching everything from Critical Race Theory to systemic racism to antisemitism to hatred of America to mush-mind students.
“This is exactly the wrong time for such a retreat,” Roth wrote, continuing:
As one of the most consequential…