News Busters

Hyper-Hypocrite Scarborough Rips Trump For Criticizing Dems

Mika Brzezinski Joe Scarborough MSNBC Morning Joe 2-7-25 I’m not big on recycling, and have even run afoul of the volunteer recycling police at our little community here, who discovered that I had put cardboard in the garbage dumpster.

So permit me to atone for my crimes against the planet by recycling one of my columns from five years ago.

I do so in response to Joe Scarborough’s castigation of President Trump on today’s Morning Joe for having criticized Democrats at yesterday’s National Prayer Breakfast, suggesting that they oppose God. (Some of us remember the 2012 Democrat convention, where a large number of Dems loudly screamed as they restored a menition of God to the party platform.)

Insisting he was “not preaching,” Pastor Joe went on to cite Scripture, in effect accusing Trump of being a bad Christian:

Nancy Pelosi, even when Donald Trump was deriding her personally, attacking her personally, even…

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