We’ve often documented Joe Scarborough’s hypocrisy, most recently here.
But even hyper-hypocrite Scarborough outdid himself this morning. Scarborough whined about Jeff Bezos announcing that henceforth, the editorial policy of the Washington Post, which he owns, will focus on personal liberties and free markets, with no opposing viewpoints published. Said Scarborough:
“Most of us, when we saw this, we just said, what the hell? It is it’s like something that we’ve never heard. I mean, it’s obviously opinion pages can go their own direction, but to say we don’t publish opposing viewpoints seems shocking at best.”
If ever there were a TV show where no “opposing viewpoints” are allowed, it’s Scarborough’s Morning Joe. The panel consists of a rotating group of liberal talking heads. The only “Republicans” allowed are of the rabid anti-Trump variety, such as…