Idaho Moves Forward With Plan to Execute Pedophiles – RedState
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Idaho Moves Forward With Plan to Execute Pedophiles – RedState

Idaho is moving forward with legislation that would allow the execution of child rapists.

The Idaho Capital Sun reports that the legislation, introduced by Republican lawmakers, will target those who have committed the most serious offenses against children as well as repeat offenders. The bill passed the Idaho House by a 57-11 vote. 

The legislation states:

This legislation amends Idaho Codes 18-1508 and 19-2515 to allow a sentence of capital punishment for a person convicted of lewd conduct with a minor, if said minor is under the age of twelve (12) and there are aggravating circumstances. Upon conviction, a jury will make the decision of whether to implement the death penalty. A judge may decide the sentence if a jury is waived by the defendant.

The bill’s co-sponsor, State Rep. Bruce Skaug, said the bill would help protect children against harm. 

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