News Busters

If Trump Wins? It Will Be The Media vs. Democracy in America

Election Day approaches. As is normal in 21st century America, drenched as it is in television, the Internet, social media and yes, even radio, the presidential election is Topic A. Dominating everywhere an American turns.

Understandably, it is difficult for Americans to focus in any clear sense on a central question. That question would be, with the election over, what happens next? And I’m not talking about the size of the Thanksgiving turkey or the state of the Christmas shopping list.

The question that is not yet being asked? 

That would be what will happen with the media if, when the election smoke dissipates, it is clear that the American people have, for the second time, elected Donald Trump as their president?

There will be, without doubt, a rerun of the “moral 9/11” editorial gnashing of teeth from the New York Times, the Washington Post and…

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