If We’d Only Forced You to Mask and Vax More – HotAir
Hot Air

If We’d Only Forced You to Mask and Vax More – HotAir

Left-leaning media outlets are breaking out the party balloons and funny hats this weekend because of COVID. No, the pandemic isn’t back, so don’t fly into a panic. The celebratory atmosphere is showing up because they finally found a survey of “experts” who are claiming that hundreds of thousands of additional lives could have been saved during the pandemic. How? By having more states follow the strictest face mask and vaccine mandates. Try not to injure your neck by shaking your head in dismay over these conclusions. The Independent has the details of this supposedly definitive study. 

The US could have avoided almost 250,000 Covid-19 deaths if every state had adopted stricter mask and vaccine requirements seen in the Northeast during the height of the pandemic, according to a new study.

Researchers say that the country, which saw more than 1.1 million Covid deaths, could have…

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