Hot Air

If You Say Men Give Birth, We Know Your Position on Hamas – HotAir

If you say “men give birth,” we all know your position on Hamas.

Now, why is that? Why, if a person says “men give birth” or says that men who say they are women should be allowed to compete in women’s sports, can we be virtually certain that the person sides with Hamas in its war to eradicate Israel?

Theoretically, the two claims — that men as well as women give birth and Israel is the villain in its war against Hamas — have absolutely no connection.

But they do — for two reasons.

Reason No. 1:

When people have a distorted moral value system, that distortion applies to just about every issue. Just as a broken compass will almost always point in the wrong direction, a broken moral compass will do the same. However, to be more precise, people who say “men give birth” and who side with Hamas, i.e., progressives and leftists — liberals don’t believe men give…

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