News Busters

Ill. Gov. Signs Law to Revoke Funding from Schools Who Remove Inappropriate Library Books

Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker (D) signed a law Monday that would revoke state funding from specific public schools and libraries that remove inappropriate books from shelves. Pritzker made it very clear that he wanted these books to be readily available and highly encouraged for Illinois students.

“Here in Illinois, we don’t hide from the truth, we embrace it,” Pritzker said Monday.

Yeah, sir, it seems as though you do and the truth is that you want kids to be targets for indoctrination and grooming.

Here’s more of Pritzker’s statement.

Young people shouldn’t be kept from learning about the realities of our world; I want them to become critical thinkers, exposed to ideas that they disagree with, proud of what our nation has overcome, and thoughtful about what comes next. Everyone deserves to see themselves reflected in the books they read, the art they see, the history they learn. In Illinois, we are showing the nation what it really looks like to stand up for liberty. 

While Pritzker claimed that he’s attempting to “stand up for liberty,” that’s obviously not the intent. Books in many states, especially now in Illinois, teach kids about masturbation, explain how to have anal and oral sex, talk about the “g-spot,” explain in graphic detail how to give oral sex, about how and why it’s important for teenagers to have lots of sex and many many other vile and disturbing content that frankly, has no place in the hands or near the eyes of young, impressionable students.

“I’m proud that our administration is standing in the gap for literary justice and equity by becoming the first state in the nation to prevent book banning, so that our children and communities can be represented, and have access to reading material that celebrates our diversity and uniqueness,” Lt. Gov. Juliana Streatton, one of Pritzker’s co-accomplices, stated.

There’s a difference between promoting inclusivity and indoctrinating kids. Books that do the latter should be prohibited. 

Pritzker’s legislation “protects the freedom of libraries to acquire materials without external limitations” and will punish libraries who don’t carry sexually explicit books by revoking state funds.

Essentially, beginning in January 2024, Illinois school libraries will be required to adopt what’s called the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights. Said guide indicated that, “reading materials should not be proscribed, removed, or restricted because of partisan or personal disproval.” So even if a book is inappropriate, it’s not allowed to be removed from a library. How freaking warped is that?!

Now, don’t get it twisted. I think that we live in a free nation and should have access to any and all books and mediums we desire. I recognize that not everyone was raised with morals and some people actually enjoy reading about sex and masturbation. I can think you’re a freak without stripping you of your free will. However, when it comes to children who cannot cognitively and always effectively decipher right from wrong, there needs to be a line drawn on what sorts of material they have access to. Kids shouldn’t be allowed to read books that are sexually explicit and anyone who thinks otherwise is a pervert.

Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker (D) signed a law Monday that would revoke state funding from specific public schools and libraries that remove inappropriate books from shelves. Pritzker made it very clear that he wanted these books to be readily available and highly encouraged for Illinois students.

“Here in Illinois, we don’t hide from the truth, we embrace it,” Pritzker said Monday.

Yeah, sir, it seems as though you do and the truth is that you want kids to be targets for indoctrination and grooming.

Here’s more of Pritzker’s statement.

Young people shouldn’t be kept from learning about the realities of our world; I want them to become critical thinkers, exposed to ideas that they disagree with, proud of what our nation has overcome, and thoughtful about what comes next. Everyone deserves to see themselves reflected in the books they read, the art they see, the history they learn. In Illinois, we are showing the nation what it really looks like to stand up for liberty. 

While Pritzker claimed that he’s attempting to “stand up for liberty,” that’s obviously not the intent. Books in many states, especially now in Illinois, teach kids about masturbation, explain how to have anal and oral sex, talk about the “g-spot,” explain in graphic detail how to give oral sex, about how and why it’s important for teenagers to have lots of sex and many many other vile and disturbing content that frankly, has no place in the hands or near the eyes of young, impressionable students.

“I’m proud that our administration is standing in the gap for literary justice and equity by becoming the first state in the nation to prevent book banning, so that our children and communities can be represented, and have access to reading material that celebrates our diversity and uniqueness,” Lt. Gov. Juliana Streatton, one of Pritzker’s co-accomplices, stated.

There’s a difference between promoting inclusivity and indoctrinating kids. Books that do the latter should be prohibited. 

Pritzker’s legislation “protects the freedom of libraries to acquire materials without external limitations” and will punish libraries who don’t carry sexually explicit books by revoking state funds.

Essentially, beginning in January 2024, Illinois school libraries will be required to adopt what’s called the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights. Said guide indicated that, “reading materials should not be proscribed, removed, or restricted because of partisan or personal disproval.” So even if a book is inappropriate, it’s not allowed to be removed from a library. How freaking warped is that?!

Now, don’t get it twisted. I think that we live in a free nation and should have access to any and all books and mediums we desire. I recognize that not everyone was raised with morals and some people actually enjoy reading about sex and masturbation. I can think you’re a freak without stripping you of your free will. However, when it comes to children who cannot cognitively and always effectively decipher right from wrong, there needs to be a line drawn on what sorts of material they have access to. Kids shouldn’t be allowed to read books that are sexually explicit and anyone who thinks otherwise is a pervert. 

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