Hot Air

Illegal? What Illegal? – HotAir

Want another demonstration of Democrat virtue-signaling? At least the DNC had the courage to live by their principles, as insane and condescending as they may be. New Jersey governor Phil Murphy took the more pusillanimous route when it became apparent that he’d opened his mouth once too often.

Let’s go back to Saturday, where Murphy spoke at Montclair State University. After bragging about all the wonderful ways in which his administration protected and promoted transgenders, Murphy turned the topic — unprompted — to illegal aliens and the Trump administration’s efforts to deport them. Murphy claimed to be harboring an illegal alien in his garage, and dared the feds to come get her. Even Forbes called it a “shock moment”; go to  1:42 in the video below for the excerpt, but watch it all up to that point for the bizarre context shift it…

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