Red state

I’m Old Enough to Remember When the Bloodthirsty Left Told Americans to Shut Up About Health Care – RedState

I first heard the term “crap sandwich” back in the pre-Tea Party days. It was being used to describe the stimulus plan Barack Obama forced on Americans soon after landing in office back in 2009. You remember this plan; it was called the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, but Rush Limbaugh called it “porkulus.”

Crap sandwiches and porkulus were a big part of the activist lexicon back then, and the terrible policies behind the terms were what led CNBC’s Peter Santelli to rant about the need for a new tea party. Frustrated conservatives answered the call, and the Tea Party movement was born. 

The next crap sandwich Obama and the Democrat Party force-fed Americans was Obamacare. The ultimately-successful effort by the left to insert government in between patients and their health care providers, thus further driving up costs, was shrouded in…

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