Hot Air

I’m Starting to Think the ‘Smart’ in ‘Smart Meter’ Is About How Utilities and the Cult Can Screw You Over – HotAir

Our Ebola just landed in England for a tour after a couple of years in Germany. His first few days have been the usual tumult of Air Force ineptitude coupled with adapting to another completely different country. As I’ve been knee-deep in England’s self-induced energy challenges for going on a couple of years now, and the kiddo has to start house hunting this weekend, I’ve been kind of worried about what it’s going to cost him to stay warm next winter. At least in Germany he had one of those uber-efficient and relatively affordable wood-burning stacks that will heat the whole house.

“Relatively affordable” utilities are going to be a challenge with everything the British are forcing their citizens into.

This is particularly true when it seems there are serious glitches in the monitoring systems for all their various heating and electrical schemes and little recourse if the equipment…

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