Red state

In a Sane World, Firearms Suppressors Would Be Unregulated – RedState

Consider this: Suppressors (no, they are not properly called “silencers”) are a device to reduce, to some degree, the muzzle report of a rifle or handgun. This is commonly accepted as a hearing-protection measure, as well as a device useful to lesson the annoyance factor of people in the vicinity of where shooting is taking place. 

That is, except in the United States, where suppressors are regulated under the 1934 National Firearms Act, requiring much the same paperwork and other horse squeeze as it would require to buy, say, an original 1927 Thompson submachine gun, with the exception that, unlike NFA firearms, suppressors for the civilian market are still being produced. This is a perfectly ridiculous policy, one the Trump administration should undo forthwith.

Here’s why.

Since the spy movie genre exploded during the Cold War, Hollywood has depicted…

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