It was the worst of times, it was the worst of times. Seriously, it was the worst of times!
How could a half-black, half-Asian, comparatively young woman lose so handily to a straight white male?! Hasn’t Donald Trump learned that he’s the recipient of a veritable mountain of privilege? In the name of justice, he should step aside and yield his space to this poor oppressed woman. Did he learn nothing in the Great Awokening of 2020?
It couldn’t possibly be that Americans have definitively rejected the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI™) dogma rooted in the Marxist idea that ostensibly oppressed minorities must rise up against their oppressors, can it? Don’t tell me that Marxism has failed to produce its great revolution of the masses yet again—it can’t be!
Only, it is, and it’s a bright new day in America because the straight white male who promised…