Red state

In Last Desperate Bid for Relevance, Liz Cheney Goes Off on Trump—and Gets Smoked – RedState

As we reported, Joe Biden laughably presented former Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney the nation’s second highest civilian award—the Presidential Citizens Medal—on Thursday for her role in being a key member of the corrupt J6 Committee. It was a Hollywood-produced show trial where there was no Republican cross-examination of witnesses, and Cheney herself has now been credibly accused of tampering with a witness, a charge that can come with a lengthy prison sentence.

Related: Now It’s the Investigator Being Investigated: House GOP Concludes Liz Cheney Tampered With J6 Witness

Ted Cruz and Others Wreck Biden for Disgusting Award Ceremony for Liz Cheney

As if she needed to be shown yet one more time that she joined the wrong team, the medal ceremony was a cringefest where Biden was up to his usual creepy shenanigans. She got applause Thursday—but is there anyone…

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