Gosh. I have not forsaken my vow not to watch any of it, but as I have been keeping up with the follies and lollies on X and in news briefs, I have to say the French have certainly covered themselves in, well, not glory.
I, being of little personal physical motivation myself (12 years in the Marine Corps took care of whatever natural inclination I’d stored up for a lifetime), still understand what a driven athlete, particularly a world-class one, needs to function at their peak potential, particularly when they’re in a new venue for competition. Practice is imperative not only to shake out the stiffness of travel but also to stretch the old bones and muscles and accustom oneself to conditions in the new surroundings.
Triathletes in Paris – those phenomenal human machines – have literally been up Schlitz Creek since arriving in the City of Lights, and what an awful disadvantage.