Red state

In Snyder v. US, Jackson’s Dissent Is Red Meat for the Left to Chew On – RedState

Snyder v. United States was a case that might have gone unnoticed in a different year. But this is an election year with one of the left’s loudest talking points being attacks on the Supreme Court’s legitimacy, particularly attacks on Justice Thomas and Justice Alito. After reading the majority opinion and Jackson’s dissent, it was clear that “Snyder” would not be viewed as the majority protecting the rights of an accused re: reading a criminal statute narrowly – rather it would be viewed as further evidence (by the left) of corruption on the court.  

The Associated Press reported that Snyder was convicted of “bribery.” The crime Snyder was charged with was not a “bribe” in the strict sense of that word; rather, it was charged as an illegal post-act gratuity. One can argue over the distinction between taking a bribe and accepting a gratuity, but those acts are…

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