Red state

In the Latest Threat to Liberty, British Comedy Clubs Are Now Banning … Botox? – RedState

Based on the way things are going in Great Britain these days, it becomes harder to accept where things are headed in that nation. A new level of exclusionary policies has been revealed, and it only adds to the downward spiral. They are arresting people over social media posts. Instead of fighting crime, they went for a restrictive gun ban, and when that led to a drop in shootings, but not violence, they next went with a knives and corrosive substance ban. The country is a petri dish for wokeness and dystopia.

So, when we see a story of this nature with a bizarre, new restriction in place, we are not at all surprised by the move. This is made all the more perplexing as it involves stand-up comedians, and so we are not sure how much of this is going to benefit the gag-meisters. After all, the speech restrictions especially apply to comedians in the British…

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