Hot Air

In the Wake of Claudine Gay’s Resignation, the Left Is Once Again Refusing to Admit the Far Left Is a Problem – HotAir

If you were to sum up the last decade of leftist political thought and action you could really break it into two groups. First there are the far left insurgents, the people championing Equity and DEI and anti-racism and white fragility and intersectionality and cancel culture and wokeism and all of the rest of the new think which has dribbled out of higher education/activism over the past decade. And right next to them are the liberals who have spent an increasing amount of their time over the past decade simply denying that the other group exists, or at least that it has any real significance.

As an outside observer to all of this, people like myself (people on the right) have put forth a fair amount of effort trying to differentiate between the two. It wasn’t always easy to do for a host of reasons. For one thing, you have to actually make sense of all of the ideas driving…

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