Red state

‘Iran’s Useful Idiots!’ Netanyahu Holds Nothing Back Calling Protestors Out on Home Turf – RedState

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was met with overwhelming ovation during his speech to Congress. It was a moment to celebrate the brotherhood between Israel and the US, one that transcends any single administration of either side. 

Of course, not all were happy. Protests have been promised since Netanyahu announced his visit to the U.S. The protestors didn’t disappoint. 

As the speech commenced, Capitol police announced that protestors had become violent and were being deterred by pepper spray. 

See also: DC: Pro-Hamas Protestors Becoming Violent Outside Capitol
While PM Netanyahu Speaks

It’s Sad, but Benjamin Netanyahu Understands America Better Than Some Americans Do

But Netanyahu, the bulldog of Israel that he is, had something special just for them: 

“Well, I have a message for these protestors: When the tyrants of Tehran who hang gays from cranes and murder women for not…

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