During Sunday’s edition of ABC’s This Week, there was a lot of crying over Elon Musk suspending the Twitter accounts of lefty journalists who purposefully broke Twitter’s rules against doxxing other people on the platform. New York Times national political reporter Astead Herndon either couldn’t understand this concept or didn’t care, and instead proceeded to ironically accuse Musk of violating the tenants of free speech and being a hypocrite.
In reality, Musk isn’t being hypocritical since he bought Twitter to restore free speech to Twitter users who were suspended or shadow banned for saying objectively true things like “trans women” are men or tweeting out the New York Post’s story about the massive scandal surrounding Hunter Biden’s laptop.
Conservatives have been consistent that free speech doesn’t protect you from threatening people by posting their real time locations, which is what the slew of leftist journalists did to get banned on Twitter.
Yet Herndon still cried that “Elon Musk is acting in search of the next ten, to 20 minutes, rather than full strategy or something that is a cohesive rubric for who is let on the platform and who is not.”
“We should be very clear that these are journalists are largely doing their jobs and that him taking them off of Twitter is clearly hypocritical to the stance that he had before about free speech and the openness of journalists on the platform,” Herndon falsely claimed.
You don’t have the right to post someone’s real time location with the purpose of sending a mob of leftists to go after that person. There is no other possible reason to doxx someone like that.
Herndon ended by wailing that “the only consistency I see through these bans on Twitter is he’s taking people off the platform who he doesn’t like. And that includes these tech journalists. And that is not the place for open discussion as he has called, as he has said is his goal to make Twitter, that is not consistent with that viewpoint.”
It’s ironic that leftists like Herndon are screaming about free speech when they either cheered or kept quiet about conservatives getting banned from Twitter for saying objectively true things or posting content the leftist big tech oligarchs don’t want people to see.
This segment was made possible by Fisher Investments. Their information is linked.
To read the relevant transcript click “expand”:
ABC’s This Week
9:50:23 a.m. Eastern
MARTHA RADDATZ: I don’t know what will be next with Twitter. But he suspended a lot of accounts of journalists this week, mostly tech journalists because he said they doxxed him, meaning they put out where his location was or his family, or his airplane or something. Brought them back in, now has suspended Taylor Lorenz from the Washington post. What’s going on here?
ASTEAD HERNDON (NEW YORK TIMES NATIONAL POLITICAL REPORTER): I mean it seems as if Elon Musk is acting in search of the next ten, to 20 minutes, rather than full strategy or something that is a cohesive rubric for who is let on the platform and who is not. We should be very clear that these are journalists are largely doing their jobs and that him taking them off of Twitter is clearly hypocritical to the stance that he had before about free speech and the openness of journalists on the platform.
But he’s not someone who has really shown an interest in being anything other than hypocritical. The only consistency I see through these bans on Twitter is he’s taking people off the platform who he doesn’t like. And that includes these tech journalists. And that is not the place for open discussion as he has called, as he has said is his goal to make Twitter, that is not consistent with that viewpoint.
During Sunday’s edition of ABC’s This Week, there was a lot of crying over Elon Musk suspending the Twitter accounts of lefty journalists who purposefully broke Twitter’s rules against doxxing other people on the platform. New York Times national political reporter Astead Herndon either couldn’t understand this concept or didn’t care, and instead proceeded to ironically accuse Musk of violating the tenants of free speech and being a hypocrite.
In reality, Musk isn’t being hypocritical since he bought Twitter to restore free speech to Twitter users who were suspended or shadow banned for saying objectively true things like “trans women” are men or tweeting out the New York Post’s story about the massive scandal surrounding Hunter Biden’s laptop.
Conservatives have been consistent that free speech doesn’t protect you from threatening people by posting their real time locations, which is what the slew of leftist journalists did to get banned on Twitter.
Yet Herndon still cried that “Elon Musk is acting in search of the next ten, to 20 minutes, rather than full strategy or something that is a cohesive rubric for who is let on the platform and who is not.”
“We should be very clear that these are journalists are largely doing their jobs and that him taking them off of Twitter is clearly hypocritical to the stance that he had before about free speech and the openness of journalists on the platform,” Herndon falsely claimed.
You don’t have the right to post someone’s real time location with the purpose of sending a mob of leftists to go after that person. There is no other possible reason to doxx someone like that.
Herndon ended by wailing that “the only consistency I see through these bans on Twitter is he’s taking people off the platform who he doesn’t like. And that includes these tech journalists. And that is not the place for open discussion as he has called, as he has said is his goal to make Twitter, that is not consistent with that viewpoint.”
It’s ironic that leftists like Herndon are screaming about free speech when they either cheered or kept quiet about conservatives getting banned from Twitter for saying objectively true things or posting content the leftist big tech oligarchs don’t want people to see.
This segment was made possible by Fisher Investments. Their information is linked.
To read the relevant transcript click “expand”:
ABC’s This Week
9:50:23 a.m. Eastern
MARTHA RADDATZ: I don’t know what will be next with Twitter. But he suspended a lot of accounts of journalists this week, mostly tech journalists because he said they doxxed him, meaning they put out where his location was or his family, or his airplane or something. Brought them back in, now has suspended Taylor Lorenz from the Washington post. What’s going on here?
ASTEAD HERNDON (NEW YORK TIMES NATIONAL POLITICAL REPORTER): I mean it seems as if Elon Musk is acting in search of the next ten, to 20 minutes, rather than full strategy or something that is a cohesive rubric for who is let on the platform and who is not. We should be very clear that these are journalists are largely doing their jobs and that him taking them off of Twitter is clearly hypocritical to the stance that he had before about free speech and the openness of journalists on the platform.
But he’s not someone who has really shown an interest in being anything other than hypocritical. The only consistency I see through these bans on Twitter is he’s taking people off the platform who he doesn’t like. And that includes these tech journalists. And that is not the place for open discussion as he has called, as he has said is his goal to make Twitter, that is not consistent with that viewpoint.