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Is gay marriage really the hill the GOP wants to die on in 2023?

I’m having some serious flashbacks this week as I read about the renewed debate over the Respect for Marriage Act. The bill would, among other things, repeal the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act and do other things to essentially codify and enforce the legality of gay marriage at the federal level. The “among other things” aspect of that description is where the real problems are found and there are poison pills tucked away in the legislation that should definitely give some conservatives pause. But the way it’s being sold in the media leaves the public with the impression that the bill is solely about “protecting gay marriage” and the evil Republicans are trying to block the effort. At the Daily Signal, Mary Margaret Olohan identifies the twelve Republicans Senators who voted on Wednesday in favor of cloture on the bill, moving it forward to a debate and presumably a floor vote. She urges those Republicans to rethink their decision and  “take a stand against the radical legislation.”Read More 

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