Is History Getting Kinder to Trump? New Poll Says More Voters Now Think He Did a Good Job As President – RedState
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Is History Getting Kinder to Trump? New Poll Says More Voters Now Think He Did a Good Job As President – RedState

History tends to have its way with Presidents after they leave office. Even if, at the time, his actions seem to be correct, time and subsequent events can sometimes twist those actions. Ronald Reagan is heralded for ending the Cold War without a shot being fired, Jimmy Carter will be remembered for “stagflation”–and for telling Americans to turn their thermostats down to 65 degrees and put on a sweater. 

But in a surprising new poll, the president you might least expect to reap the benefits of recent history is doing just that. His name: Donald Trump.  

Granted, it might be a pretty easy thing to do in an era of overly high food and gas prices, high crime, and an invasion at the southern border.

But a new NBC News poll…

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