Red state

Is It a Sign? Huge Numbers of American Bald Eagles Come Together on Frozen Midwestern Lake – RedState

Is it a sign of America’s comeback, or just a little bit of cool luck? In any case, it was quite a sight as 40 bald eagles all landed on the same lake in Wisconsin, turning the body of water momentarily at least into the “Lake of America.”

Unfortunately, it seems as if no quick-thinking videographers captured the moment, but it was caught on a traffic cam:

Residents in Wisconsin observed an astonishing moment when dozens of bald eagles gathered on frozen waters.

The national bird of the United States typically catches people’s eyes when spotted in the wilderness. Its bold and natural beauty stands out, and its representation of strength and freedom is part of why this bird represents our proud nation.

Traffic cameras from the Department of Transportation in La Crosse captured a gathering of over 40 bald eagles on the frozen waters of the Black…

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